

What is known today as 欧博体育官网 - A Family of Brands, 这些年来有很大的变化吗. So we invite you to join us over the course of the next few months, as we tell that story through the eyes of our founder, 现任总统, 艾伦·麦考密克. 他的可爱, 无畏与创业, 再加上他对帮助他人的热情, 是什么造就了今天的公司.

Starting in 1983, when stationed overseas serving in the 美国陆军 作为一名军警K9处理员, Allan had a request from his Aunt Kathy to find her a German grandfather 时钟. 于是,他开始了他的计时设备世界之旅,最终,他开始了气象技术之旅.

That simple request for a grandfather 时钟 set the wheels in motion. 没过多久, 艾伦向西海岸进口钟表, where he would load them into his vehicle and drive back cross-country to Minnesota, 沿路出售钟表. 卖钟赚来的钱足够支付往返的旅费,剩下的钱还可以再来一遍. 这家公司真正开始于 道奇 货车和远景.


随着业务的增长,住在面包车里的新鲜感减少了,所以是时候升级了. 艾伦买了一辆温尼贝戈房车, pulling his mobile showroom/warehouse behind it, the "Minnie Winnie" became his new home and office. In 1987 欢迎回家 magazine took notice and Allan was featured in an article about "Working Winnebago's"


随着业务的持续增长和现实的到来,是时候建立一些根基了. So the Minnie Winnie was sold, and Allan bought a building in 历史悠久的拉克罗斯市中心在第二大街125号. 就这样开始了……的旅程 拉克罗斯钟表公司.


预示着即将发生的事情, while attending the police academy in Alexandria, MN in the early 80's 和n selling his 时钟s during the summer, Allan wandered into a local jewelry store looking for a main spring to repair a 时钟. What he found was a part-time job and confirmation of his vision. 在工作中学到的知识 Diekman的珠宝首饰 促成了艾伦钟表销售的成功. In 1988, busy running a business and 销售, he hired 钟表商. Greg Townsend to provide an invaluable service. 这种合作至今仍然存在,我们很高兴地说,格雷格仍然是我们拉克罗斯大家庭的一员.


随着业务的发展, it became apparent that a warehouse was needed, so the decision was made to dig out the basement of 拉克罗斯钟表公司. 位置. 作为一名企业家,艾伦招募了一些大学生,让他们用5加仑的桶来铲土. 幸运的是,在威斯康辛大学拉克罗斯分校之间有很多可以招募的人, 西部技术学院和维泰博.

The "Bucket Brigade" affectionately referred to the project as the “大 挖” named after the monstrous project underway in Boston, MA at the time. Always an adventure - one night while sandblasting the ceiling to get it clean, there was so much dust and debris flowing out of the building that the 拉克罗斯消防局 showed up responding to a fire call, full gear and hoses out! But in the end by digging down as far as they could, 然后浇筑水泥, 他们创造了自己的, 急需的, 可用空间.



While Allan had established the 拉克罗斯钟表公司. 生意,他不满足于此. Through his travels wth the buseinss he met Jeff Marden from St. 路易斯,莫 伪造了 河城钟公司 专门生产布谷鸟钟的.

1994 -第1部分- E.霍华德 & CO

Allan's strong belief in quality and tradition made the acquisition of Boston's own E. 霍华德 & Co. 很容易决定. Here he focused primarily on the 时钟 side of the business. 成立于1842年. 霍华德 & Co. 仍然在 史密森学会 美国国家历史博物馆 as it is considered to be the oldest 时钟 manufacturer in America.


1994年对拉克罗斯钟表公司来说是忙碌的一年. 除了购买E. 霍华德 & Co., Allan also founded Infinity Instruments with Janusz Erlichman, purchased a former roller skating rink in La Crescent, MN - turning the building into offices and warehouse space. 他还忙着在许多出版物上展示他的“草根”广告形式——他的无人驾驶热气球.


“时钟为一个家增添了一种气场. One woman told me it became the heartbeat of her home.“艾伦

1996 -第一部分-沙漏型的人越来越多

The late nineties played host to one of the most controversial trials in US history, 涉及NFL超级巨星OJ辛普森. This month actually marks the 22nd anniversary of the televised trial, which featured Judge Ito’s famous hourglass timepiece, a timepiece that inspired Allan to create one of his own. Produced using wood bases from a US factory and glass and sand imported from England, the Hourglass Clock was a challenge to keep in stock.

1996 -第二部分-变化的时代

这一年,无线电控制时间(原子时)的引入改变了美国市场的计时方式。. 在欧洲市场上销售多年, 艾伦成为美国官方销售代理的无线电控制钟表和介绍 WWVB 到美国. 拉克罗斯·麦考密克的手下, the first atomic wristwatch from Wittnauer by Junghans was sold, 这只手表限量生产1只,000块, 由固体钛制成, 零售价为999美元.95. 今年也开始了 拉克罗斯钟表公司. 工厂,它生产了许多时钟设计与所有的木外壳制造的 约翰·皮茨.


1999年,当艾伦与Rolf Haupt和Manfred Wu合作时,La Crosse科技公司诞生了,该公司利用美国工厂制造了用于放置原子钟运动的木外壳.


With an expanding inventory, Allan purchased a new warehouse in 斯普林格罗夫,明尼苏达州. 包括在不断增长的库存是我们的第一个拉克罗斯技术品牌无线预报站, ws - 7054, a model that still exists in a newer form today. 在不断变化的科技世界和消费者消费的新进步中,我们继续开发新欧博体育官网以满足客户的需求, 这一点在未来几个月将会很明显.


在一个销售电话 Frontgate, a suggestion was made to create a 数字 wall 时钟 with wood side panels. Already doing wood manufacturing in the US for grandfather 时钟s, 艾伦追求这种风格的外观,创造了许多版本,将成为一个商标畅销 数字 欧博体育官网公司的挂钟. The local manufacturing of the wood side panels was what set these 时钟s apart, 这种情况持续了很长一段时间,直到我们的海外工厂能够复制类似的外观和质量.

In addition to the birth of a trademarked look, this year 欧博体育官网 begin working as a distributor for 股本, a 时钟 wholesaler that sold SkyScan alarm 时钟s and wall 时钟s, forging a relationship that has evolved over the years and still exists today.


2002年,欧博体育官网公司的数字原子钟销量超过100万台! 当然,这是一个不可思议的里程碑,但这并没有阻止我们在未来几年提高标准.

2004 -结束和开始

在与河城布谷鸟时钟合作10多年后,艾伦的公司股份回到了杰夫马登,使他的努力集中在 欧博体育官网 一场新的冒险. 欧博体育官网 entered into a licensing arrangement with 天气频道 建立气象站, 数字原子钟, 温度计, and rain gauges branded with 天气频道 logo. To no ones’ surprise, these products began appearing on retail shelves everywhere. “天气频道的巨大知名度和信任因素为我们高性能的天气准备设备增添了相当大的吸引力. 将这些品牌欧博体育官网扩展到全国零售商将大大增加他们对消费者的曝光率. 事实证明这是真的 百思买Bass Pro Shops, 和 May Department Stores among the biggest retails to jump on board, 天气频道 branded products were a huge success.


欧博体育官网公司正式迁入拉克罗斯南区的现址, WI. 这是一项庞大但必要的任务, 因为它带来了行政办公室, 客户欧博官网app下载, 销售, 图形, 仓库, 和研究 & 所有的发展都在一个屋檐下. 几年后,我们把市中心的零售业务拉克罗斯钟表公司搬到了这里. to this 位置 as well, bringing all our US operations together.


2008年,全球首个由互联网驱动的个人天气系统天气 Direct推出. 这是我们的第一个重大失败, and led to a technically bankrupt balance sheet for the company. 根据艾伦的说法,“我们从来没有被告知我们已经破产了,所以我们只是继续经营.员工减薪,供应商同意延长条款,以维持梦想和公司的运转. In retrospect, the product was ahead of its time. Smartphones and mobile devices were not what they are today, 因此,信息在指尖触摸的概念并没有出现在消费者的脑海中.


2009 was the year we began our joint venture with 股本 Industries Corp.的子公司 Chiaphua 总部位于香港,这家公司的钟表制造历史可以追溯到20世纪60年代. 就在这一年,欧博体育官网公司从他们欧博体育官网的经销商转变为经销商, 致合伙人. The brand was henceforth known as 股本 by La Crosse.


股本的仓库从加州搬到了威斯康星州拉克罗斯的现址. 我们也开始与 National Institute of Standards and Technology 在这一年, who was able set up a signal testing chamber right on our company campus, 这一切都是为了帮助发展我们的 UltrAtomic 时钟. 欧博体育官网公司仍然是美国唯一一家拥有这种政府官方设备的私营公司.


我们推出了我们的监测系统拉克罗斯警报,它允许消费者通过使用互联网和后来的拉克罗斯警报移动应用程序来保持他们自己的微环境的最新状态. 这一年还出现了寒流, similar to what many states are experiencing today, 12月9日,欧博体育官网受邀参加了美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)周一晚上的橄榄球比赛,当时达拉斯牛仔队(Dallas Cowboys)在芝加哥迎战芝加哥熊队(Chicago Bears), IL. 我们为NFL提供了一个欧博体育官网的天气系统,在比赛期间为播音员提供最新的现场情况.

2015 -品牌重生

收购日内瓦时钟公司的装饰时钟库存带来了公司和艾伦回到时钟制造的根源. Though we had never lost the 拉克罗斯钟表公司. 品牌,收购日内瓦当然被视为这方面的业务的复活. 信不信由你, 这次合并是艾伦和日内瓦的品牌经理在5分钟的谈话中讨论出来的, 苏珊金片.

2018 - A View into the past brings us to the present

好吧, 这让我们了解了最新的情况, and we’ve truly enjoyed sharing our journey with you over the past few months. 但我们的故事肯定不会就此结束. 本周在 消费电子欧博体育官网展 we've officially launched our newest line of innovative Connected 气象站, 使用我们新的拉克罗斯视图应用程序提供几乎无限数量的监控解决方案. For more information about these new stations, please visit our website 在这里:http://tqbi.cepstart.com/products/monitoring-view or continue to follow us here on 脸谱网 for updates and other company news. 再次感谢你成为欧博体育官网大家庭的一员,很高兴你能来.